Previous Shipmate of the Month

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Class 2006 Our Story? (Reinventing the Steel ) part 3

We finished the roll call and made our farewells to our love ones. It was a bitter-sweet moment for all of us. A goodbye to the familiar life and the joy of having a chance to new one.

We hoarded ourselves like oxen toward the gymnasium where our luggages were inspected. The meticulous inspection of our gadgets intensified the tensions that our weary mind and body was already subjected to. Yells from all angles of the celestial sphere could be heard from the orientation staff. Our ego was indeed deflated.

After the inspection, we headed to our designated barracks. Then and there we realized that our second home was not a home of privacy, not a home of comfort and worldly luxurious . It was surreal. Silence filled the alleways, the overheads and the bulkheads which were already empty, the dominant colors were gray and white. Truly, it is the place were boys are re molded into men, officers are curved, and characters tested and strengthened.

By noon, we found ourselves inside the mess hall to have our first meal inside the Academy. We were first allowed to do the usual way of eating we were accustomed to; but later, the art of square meal was injected in our dinning etiquette inside the mess hall. The meal routine was very uncomfortable, complementing the fact that chow time was indeed a big deal in PMMA. The once glazed upon MESS HALL became MESS HELL.

to be continue...

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