Previous Shipmate of the Month

Monday, September 1, 2008

Shipmate for the Month of September


Birthday: May 30, 1983

Corps Commander - Regimental * Silent Drill Company * Honor Board * NYRLI - 2005 * Orientation Staff of Class 2007 *Section Marcher (3CL) * Various Civic and Military Parades Participant * Star Cadet 4cl 2nd Semester; 3cl 1st and 2nd Semester * Grand Champion - Science Fair 2006

"A Wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsel: to understand a a proverb and the interpretation; the words of the wise and their dark saving the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: But fool despise wisdom and instruction."

Graduating from my Alma Mater - The Philippine Merchant Marine Academy is just the beginning of my journey to the proverbial real word.

Be that as it may, the courage and confidence to face the challenges of the future depends on how prepared I am for this eventually. While modesty impels me to say that I may not be strong enough, I know deep in my heart that from now on, I will be able to overcome the challenges that may come my way.

To my mentors, who have honed much of my knowledge; to my buddies, peers and colleagues, who have made this journey worthwhile; and of course to my parents, brothers, sisters, love ones and most especially to the Lord Almighty, your guidance and support have made me whatever I am now, and your continuous inspiration will make me whatever I will be.

To all, thank you very much...


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Welcome to P M M A 2006 Class Site.... Bunkmate!!! enjoy your stay!
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