Previous Shipmate of the Month

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Shipmate for the Month of November



Birthday: January 23, 1984

S - ense of direction
U - nderstanding
C - ourage
C - ompassion
E - steem
S - elf acceptance
S - elf confidence

Single for Christ * Star Cadet -1st Sem/1CL * Science Fair , Red Ribbon Award * Agemar Cadet of the Year *

My Cadet life has come to its end...
Time flies so fast and now its all over...
I thank God for giving me the st
rength I needed. To my parents and family, I owe you this success.
Thank you for being very patient and considerate. Thank you for guidin
g me and giving me memories that I can cherish for the rest of my life...
To my Alma Mater, thanks for a better me...
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you...

Welcome to P M M A 2006 Class Site.... Bunkmate!!! enjoy your stay!
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