Previous Shipmate of the Month

Monday, July 16, 2007

Class 2006 Our Story? (Reinventing the Steel ) part 5

The last two weeks of the month seemed like a year-long showcase filled with unending riffle drills, mass punishments and other strenuous physical activities that defied our medical certificates and neuro exams; even if they held true amidst the tempest. The absence of tree canopies, the dusty brown fields and the extreme heat of the Zambalanean sun during the day evaporated every drop of sweat we made. The sight of an ice-cold bottle of cola being poured onto the soil in front of us buy an orientation staff while saying, "Those who want to resign can drink...," dried our throats; but for some, it dried their will and rung the quarter deck bell to signify their weakness and end their endeavor as probess.

Finally the day when we are accepted as part of the Corps of Midshipmen - the Oath taking Day.

A multitude of young lads once filled with courage and fears as a schooner were outnumbered in thirty one days of probation. We were told to embrace onto our emotions in the crowd; but the sight of our beloveds after a month of isolation without letters and phone calls, even a single picture brought tears of joy that we held back in our eyes. Our parents did not recognizes us because of the very dark complexion the sun had uniformly clothed as with, and the unbalanced atmospheric pressure that actually shrunk our skin to cling closer t our bones. For us, we had already tested our ships, but the long voyage was just about to begin.

the end...

Welcome to P M M A 2006 Class Site.... Bunkmate!!! enjoy your stay!
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