Previous Shipmate of the Month

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Call the Mate

If the ship begins to roll, Call the mate
If the cook runs out of coal, Call the mate
If the old man goes to bed,
If you see a squall ahead,
If you need a sounding lead, Call the mate

If the running lights go out, Call the mate
If your latitudes in doubt, Call the mate
If the wind begins to howl,
If the sailors start to growl,
If the whistle string gets foul, Call the mate

If you’re coming into port, Call the mate
If the midnight lunch runs short, Call the mate
If the cargo starts to shift,
If the work boat goes adrift,
If the fog begins to lift, Call the mate

If you want to drop the hook, Call the mate
If you’re looking for the cook, Call the mate
If the Chief can’t give the steam,
If the mess boy has no cream,
If see a light a beam, Call the mate

If you need the crew, Call the mate
If the gangway is a wreck, Call the mate
If the skippers on the blink,
If a load falls in the drink,
If you don’t know what to think, Call the mate

Yeah-that’s who the fall guy is, it’s the mate
All the petty grief’s are his,
Yep-The mate,
And at that the poor old bird,
Never gets a pleasant word,
Thank the Lord I’m just the third,
Not the mate!

Welcome to P M M A 2006 Class Site.... Bunkmate!!! enjoy your stay!
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